Program for October 8, 2012:  Weed Park Lagoon Shelter Revived

Invocation by: Tim Nelson

Guests on October 1, 2012: Mary Rose Peterschmidt, Marci Stevens; Kari Hawkins, Kayla Benefiel, Jordan Wozney, Taylor Borde and Haden Calgen.

Rotary News: Mike Ruby invited all interested to participate in the Rotary Orientation Meeting for Directors and Committee Chairs in West Liberty on Wednesday.  Jane Daufeldt reminded us all to join a walk on Wednesday and support Blue Zone Health!!

Happy News: Mike Hagerty reminded us of the October 11th Vintner Dinner for the Kids First Fund, Jim Nepple is proud of his granddaughter in Colorado who gave a speech to a Rotary Club for participating in a Rotary Leadership Program. Diana Gradert is proud of her granddaughter for being a speaker on a panel at Coe College. Mary Wildermuth is very pleased with the new mural on the Muscatine History and Industry Center's alley facing wall!! Erika Cox is happy
 that her daughters had great fun at their birthday celebrations.

Program: Judy Holdorf introduced Mary Rose Peterschmidt as the Great Initiatives Recipient for 2012 for her work in making the Zoo Garden Project come to life!!  Marci Stevens and Mary Rose shared powerpoint pictures of the progress of the Zoo Garden.  Mary Rose is very appreciative of the Community Foundation and the leadership provided by Judy Holdorf in helping their project comes to fruition.   Many local persons helped with rebuilding the log cabin, (Dave Cooney and crew) Rich Keller for designing the garden and being a stalwart throughout the project even as he was very ill.  The powerpoint showed the gardens and the metal animals that provided the names for the animal named plants.  There are 6 gardens in the project... much bigger than Mary Rose ever dreamed!!