Program for October 28, 2013: NAMI by Anna Goodwin

Invocation by: 

Guests: Wayne Steen incoming Rotary President at West Liberty and Patsy Willits.

Happy News: Jessica Wittman was happy that the Iowa City Hope Lodge fundraiser had raised over $106,000. Harvey Allbee was happy the Cardinals had won. Mike Frye is rooting for the Cubs! David Stanley is rooting for the Cards, the Cubs and the Hawkeyes!! Keith Porter was proud of the community effort to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Chinese Province of Hebei and the State of Iowa and Muscatine.  Keith is proud of our amazing community!!

Rotary Program:  Shane Orr introduced Nicole Sorgenfry, Kim Warren and Laurie Dietrich to showcase programs at United Way. This year's campaign is based on the Pearl Theme and the main display is located at the Muscatine History and Industry Center.  The campaign is based on Education, Financial Stability and Health. A needs assessment is being undertaken to determine city and county needs.  Programs include: Information and Referral, Kids First, Good Will Vouchers, Day of Caring, a new program for school supplies called "Pack the Bus".  We were encouraged to be part of the change in our community.