Program for January 14, 2013: East Campus Students Share Their School Experiences

Invocation By: Mary Wildermuth

Guests on January 7, 2013 :  Shelley Sides , Rafa our Exchange Student  and Scott Comstock 

Rotary Update: Rich Dwyer and Rick Ray gave the great news that we had contributed $4000 to the Salvation Army in the member challenge to the club!!  Rafa told us about her Christmas experiences with the Josephs and invited us to her Muskie Basketball game!! John Stevens joined us ... he has been unable to attend for a while and pleasantly surprised us with his presence!!  Erika Cox, Bill Decker, Steve Jameson and Bill Phelan were great sports and took part in the empty the kleenex box first game.  Erika and Bill completed the box emptying feat first!!

Chris Steinbach, Jerry Rhoads, and Kevin Mathis were inducted as new members. Chris was sponsored by Keith Porter, Jerry by Judi Holdorf and Kevin by Tony Joseph!!  Welcome new members.  Melanie Alexander and Dawn Sturms Dodds were introduced as transferring back and returning members!!  Welcome to all!!

Program: Bill Decker updated the group on the Muscatine Community School District Goals for the year and mentioned a variety of programs and initiatives.  Scott Comstock also provided an update on the 1 to 1 Technology rollout for middle school and high school students.  Goals include: Using student data to show progress, impact of technology, financial solvency, communication of the goals, improving the graduation and postseconday course participation, as well as, innovation with technology.  92% of Muscatine Kindergarteners completed a high quality preschool experience. This is stellar and cannot be claimed by many school districts.  Leader in Me has been implemented in all Elementary Schools in Muscatine another first for us. Bill discussed initiatives including Competency Based Education, Project Based Learning, 2800 laptops in student hands at home, STEM, Project Lead the Way, Multiple Pathways, Foreign Language Opitons, Concurrent and PSEO course credits, thriving Fine Arts Program, Ag Learning Center, AP Offerings, Career Academies, Professional Learning Communities..  He also mentioned district recognitions by Madison, McKinley and Washington for being Blue Ribbon Schools, and Madison School's Breaking Barriers Recognition for student achievement in ESL student achievement. 

Bill commended the teaching staff for their dedication and great work in helping our students achieve through various pathways by using innovative instructional strategies.  Bill invited members to the upcoming Jefferson School Discussions on facility updating and renovation!!  He concluded by stating that because of our interested community the school district is able to be so successful!!