Posted on Aug 28, 2017
Program for September 11, 2017: "Get YOUR Rear in Gear" No meeting next week, September 4...enjoy Labor Day!!
Happy News: Guests included: Andrew Fangman, Kimi Bridgewater, Molly Moffitt, JoAnn Carlson, Bobby Fiedler, guests of Pam Collins, Jamie Peecher, guest of Erika Cox, Jean Nepple, guest of Jim, Scott Warren, guest of Kim, Rebecca Paulsen with Ruhl and Ruhl and guest of Erika Cox. and Jeremy Pickard potential new member and guest of Naomi DeWinter. Erika  announced the Rotary Anniversaries with Naomi De Winter and Holly Thomas Koehler both 2 year members and birthday congrats to Jerry Riibe and Kelly Garvin!!
Program: Rich Dwyer on behalf of the CAT Team noted today as the kickoff of the Fundraising Campaign for the "Muscatine Pearls of Progress Project" including review of the components including the HNI Community Center and Musser Public Library, Westside Trail, Community Dog Park and the Deep Lakes Park Cabins.  In the past Muscatine has received CAT dollars from the state for improvements on the riverfront, the soccer complex, the Aquatic Center and Discovery Park.  Today Rich asked the membership to support the newest initiative through individual contributions and provided a brochure on how to do that for support of all or any of the components.  He asked for contributions now rather than at a later date!! 
 Pam Collins and Bobby Fiedler then provided tours of the new library and indicated how the new space would be utilized for the library.  Pam also mentioned that Business After Hours would be at the new site on September 28, 2017.