Recap from the April 3, 2023 Meeting.
Meeting Run by: President Naomi DeWinter
Invocation: Mike Wedell
We welcome the members joining us on Zoom. Melanie Alexander, Carol Webb, and Dawn Sturm Dodds.
Happy News/Announcements: All Happy News funds go towards our scholarship awards.
Jessica Wittman- Grateful to be ok after the tornado in Coralville. Jess and her friends enjoyed a fun bridal shower. Diana Gradert- Diana is happy to return from Florida, although she already misses the weather. Karen Cooney- I have been asked to be the Production Manager/Line Manager for the film version of two films - Encore for Murder and Blue Christmas! This is a major role in the production of any movie. It is an incredible honor to be asked, as well as an incredible amount of work this summer and fall as we hope to shoot Blue Christmas. Marc Hines- $16 in honor of each year he had his dog Wilson, who was put down over the weekend. Frank Illif- April 29th is Rebuilding Together Day. Frank is looking for volunteers to help with projects throughout the Muscatine Community. Taylor Thorpe- Plan to attend Lunch of a Cause at Addington Place of Muscatine on Wednesday, April 12th. Lunch is $8. All proceeds will benefit Rebuilding Together Muscatine County. Naomi DeWinter- It is Community College Week.
Club News:
- The Rotary Club, in partnership with MCC, will host a Poster Contest to bring awareness about Human Trafficking to youth ages 16-22 years old. Contest information is posted on social media. A contest flyer is included below. Please share the information with the community.
- Follow the Rotary Club of Muscatine’s Facebook page, @MuscatineRotaryClub.
Gretchen Nollman- Assistant District Governor, District Educator for D6000
Mission of Rotary- We provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders.
Rotary International- The Rotary Foundation, My Rotary You can find the Learning Center and Brand Center when you create an account on My Rotary.
D6000 Website- is where you will find District information and register for events. Register for District Conference in Coralville on April 22nd or purchase an Imagine Rotary T-shirt. Rotary Club of Muscatine Site lists upcoming events and meeting information. Check out the Club Runner App, where you can stay connected with upcoming events and find contact information for club members.
Take some time to explore these resources.
Upcoming Meetings- April 10- Rotary Fellowship, April 17- Foreign Exchange Student Experience in Muscatine, April 24- Challenges Our Veterans Experience.
Missed the meeting on Monday? Use the link below to access a recording.
Passcode: Rotary#1