#867, Club Bulletin, Aug. 8, 2022
Recap from the Aug. 8, 2022 Meeting.
Meeting Run by President: Naomi DeWinter
Invocation: Frank Iliff
Happy News/Announcements:  All Happy News funds go towards our scholarship awards.
Brad Bark- Brad took first full week of vacation in over 2 years. Lindsey Phillips- Lindsey is thankful for our supportive community. Heather Morrison- Heather loved the dollar history shared today. Frank Iliff- Farmers Market takes place downtown ever Saturday 7:30-11:30am. Frank’s daughter and grandson are debuting their new business “Bougie Dilla” gourmet quesadillas, at the Farmers Market each week. Come check them out. Diana Gradert- Individual ticket sales have opened for The Hoover Presidential Foundation Annual Dinner on Friday, October 7th, at the Double Tree in Cedar Rapids. Please consider purchasing tickets.
Club News:
  • Mark your calendars for the Almost Friday Fest, Thursday, August 25, 2022. We will start taking volunteers for our food tent next week. Check your calendars and be ready to sign up.
  • We have 2 board positions available. Please see Naomi for more information.
            Marcus Eckhardt- Herbert Hoover Museum Curator
Marcus earned his museum studies degree in 1988 from the University of Iowa. He joined the Library-Museum in October 2005 as an assistant curator. Prior to that, he worked as the registrar at the Wright Museum of Art at Beloit College in Beloit, Wis..
Deliverance: America and the Famine in Soviet Russia, 1921-1923
The famine of 1921 was caused by the disruptions of World War One, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the ensuing civil war, and by the Soviet government’s forcible requisitioning of grain from the peasantry. A drought and a failed harvest in 1920 triggered the famine.
Dangers of Famine- The famine of 1921 was caused by the disruptions of World War One, the Russian Revolution of 1917, the ensuing civil war, and by the Soviet government’s forcible requisitioning of grain from the peasantry. A drought and a failed harvest in 1920 triggered the famine. Fighting epidemic disease was the core mission of the ARA Medical Division. A major part of the work was an aggressive vaccination campaign. A vaccine, which became available in the winter of 1922, was designed to immunize against cholera, typhoid, paratyphoid, and dysentery. (There is no vaccine against typhus.)

The only response was by U.S. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, the Master of Emergencies. “At no time were we of any other mind than that the European relief in 1919 was the greatest battle ever made against Bolshevism.” Herbert Hoover, 1925
This operation will perhaps do more than save ten millions of humanity from death. It will through this act of charity have saved the soul of the Russian people from an abyss of despair, too terrible for human expression. - Herbert Hoover May 15, 1922
  • Over 10 million children and adults fed daily
  • With the help of 125,000 Russians on location
  • More than 768 million tons of flour, grain, rice, beans, pork, milk, and sugar
  • Worth more than $65 million in 1922 dollars roughly $1 billion in 2022 dollars
  • the ARA used 237 ships
  • Food served in more than 21,000 new kitchens
  • 2-10 million deaths
A.R.A. Those three letters will never be forgotten -  A Kiev intellectual, June 1923
Upcoming Meetings: Aug 15th-RYLA Student Visit, Aug 22nd- Inflation Hits Rural Iowans Harder, July 11th- Gavel Passing, Aug 29th- Fellowship/Networking, Sept 5th- Labor Day NO MEETING