Recap from the May 23, 2022 Meeting.
Meeting Run by President: John Kuhl
Invocation: Marc Hines
If you are interested in getting on the list for invocation, Please reach out to Rick Gosney; at
Welcome back to Bobbie Holliday, we have missed you.
Welcome Guests: From Muscatine High School Students considering Military Careers: Alexya Ortiz- National Guard, Gabe Sanchez- Air Force, Bob Carver- Field Medic, William Hickman- Armed Forces.
1st Reading: Kent Nelson- CBI
Welcome New Member: Brad Bark
Happy News/Announcements: This is a reminder that Happy News funds go towards our scholarships.
Bob Jensen: $20 for scholarship fund in honor of Granddaughter who graduated valedictorian of Muscatine High School Class with GPA of 4.57. Going to University of Iowa. Diana Gradert- 2 Bonus grandchildren graduated from University of Iowa. Bobbie Holliday- Happy to be back at meetings. Oldest son starting a new job in Des Moines. Brad Bark- Happy to be attending meetings. Excited to return to alma mater Praire du Chien to present a scholarship in honor of his father. Megan Francis- 2 events at Crossroads this week: Wed. May 25th 11-1pm FREE residential Shred Day, Fri. May 27th 7-9am United Way Kids First Breakfast.
Club News:
Community Event:
- This Thursday, May 26th is the first Almost Friday Fest. This summer, we are teaming up with HyVee as a food vendor for each Almost Friday Fest. We will need 3-4 Volunteers to help at each event from 3:30-8:30 pm. We will split the event into 2 shifts- 3:30-6 and 6-8:30. The Rotary Club will share in the proceeds. We could still use one more volunteer for each shift. Please see Megan Francis for more information or sign up for a shift.
Club Announcement:
- We have two open board positions as of July 1st. Anyone interested is invited to talk with Naomi or any board member.
Colonel Sheri R. Bennet-
Rock Island Arsenal- Joint Manufacturing and Technology Center
Team Members Present: Public Affairs Officer- Hayley Smith, From Advanced Center of Excellence- Leo Costello, From the RI Foundry- Salis Gambleson
Rock Island is the only Foundry in the Army
Rock Island Arsenal (RIA)- Supports more the 54K Active, reserve and retired military, civilian employees and family members in a 150 mile radius. Local economic impact is roughly $2.4B per year; and impacts 14K community jobs. Veterans comprise 38% of workforce.
USAG-RIA Installation Initiatives- Promote Arsenal Access- Promote and Improve the Visitor Pass Process, Promote Vendor Access to RIA, Promote RIA as a Recreational and Tourist Destination.
RIA Quality of Life Projects- Splash Pad June 1, 2022, Dog Park Spring 22, 9 hole golf course, Garden Plots Spring 22, Primitive Camping Fall 21, Proposed RV Campground.
Upcoming Meetings:, May 30th No Meeting, June 6th Afghanistan Refugee Resettlement in Easter Iowa, June 13th New Local Distillery Opening, June 20th- Keep Muscatine Beautiful- Amphitheater Project.
Missed Last Yesterday’s Meeting? Enjoy the presentation recording listed below.
Topic: Weekly Meeting
Date: May 23, 2022 11:41 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: Rotary#1