Recap from the Sept 20, 2021 Meeting.
Meeting Run by President: John Kuhl
Invocation:  Bobbie Holliday
Guests: Carol Webb and Michelle Kelman
Welcome New Members: Dan Nietzel and Mike Morgan
Happy News/Announcements:  Dan Nietzel- Sister Mary got married at the Rendezvous over the weekend and it was nice to be with family. John Kuhl- We are almost a full quarter through the Rotary year
Club Business: There is a board meeting following this club meeting.  We encourage using ACH for Rotary Dues.  Please contact Lindsey Phillips for to get set up,
If you are bringing any in person guests to Next weeks meeting with Gage Kent from Kent, please email John Kuhl at so we can be prepared with meals and seating.
Speaker Introduction:
Holly Barrett- Manager at Trinity Muscatine Public Health, specifically Clinical, Community Health, and Emergency Preparedness
Holly has been at Public Health for 5 years.  She was Fiscal Manager and Business Operations for the first few years, before moving into the Clinical Manager role. Holly is responsible for leading the nursing team for Communicable Diseases, Nursing Outreach in the community, Immunization program, Reproductive Health Program and for the last 18 months -COVID vaccination planning and efforts.
Jolynn Herr, RN- Community Health Nurse at Trinity Muscatine Public Health.  Jolynn has provided exceptional skills in medical/nursing care for nearly 40 years in almost every capacity.  Jo has been at Public Health for over 3 years and has been leading the way through everything community health – community spread diseases, community outreach, and COVID – from contact tracing, fielding community questions, schools, LTC facilities, and vaccination planning and efforts.
Program: Muscatine County- COVID-19 Update
The first confirmed case in Muscatine County was 18 months ago on March 13, 2021. Impacts from Community Health perspective. *Expectations were different when a vaccine became available – that we would all return “back to normal” by fall
*Rules and mandates change/feel restrictive and cause public frustrations
*Less masks worn overall – exhaustion, confusion, callous to pandemic
*Summer events, school, more businesses opening back up – causing increase in cases
*Confusion on the frequency and the amount and sources of data, social media, and news released
*Effects of the variants (Delta) and public understanding of why this has caused another peak in outbreak, faster spread, affecting children, young adults, vulnerable populations.
Common Questions: IF I can still get COVID after the vaccine why should I get vaccinated?  The vaccine can not stop COVID but it can lessen the effects and lower the risk of needing to be in the hospital, people need to get vaccinated to help control the amount of people needing hospitalization and keep our resources for those who need it. 
I have had COVID, I should be immune, why get vaccinated?  It is not yet clear how long the immunity due to having COVID lasts however the efficacy of the vaccine has been tested. Does a mask help? Jo’s opinion is that the mask does help, it is to slow the transmission of fluids that could be carrying the virus, you could have the virus in your nose and then go to hug a friend or family member and transfer that to them, a mask helps stop that. 3rd Dose or Booster Shot? 3rd dose is available and recommended for those who are immunocompromised.  Talk to you dr for recommendations.  Awaiting information on the booster shots.  Current Spread- 7 day positivity rate 11-14%, considered high community transmission. Updated information can be found at
Upcoming Meetings: September 27, 2021- Kent Corporation Best Managed Company Award; Gage Kent, October 4, 2021- Fire Prevention Week and Fire Safety; Fire Chief Jerry Ewers.
Use the Zoom link below for a recording of this week’s meeting:
Topic: Weekly Meeting
Start Time : Sep 20, 2021 11:41 AM
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: Rotary#1