Posted by Mary Wildermuth on Dec 18, 2017
Program for December 18, 2017: Angie Johnson, Executive Director, Unity Point Health, New Hospital Programs
Invocation: Diana Gradert
Happy News: Jessica Wittman's guests were Tricia Bedenbender, Jennifer Staley, potential new member and Michelle Rhoades guest of Kim Warren and Shane Orr. Roger Lande guest of Sarah. VicMcAvoy, and Shelley Cram Rahlf both guests along with several others of Naomi De Winter.  Roger Lande is spending Christmas in New York with Sarah's family and Karen Diercks is pleased to have seen her granddaughter perform in a play and her grandson in an orchestra production. Naomi De Winter put in $20 in honor of the MCC Choir's performance today.  Jeremy Pickard is happy to have so many elementary students on campus today. Erika read Vicki Kauffmann's name for the second and final time.  
Program: The MCC Choir shared several Christmas pieces including the Twelve Days of Christmas, I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas and Deck the Halls.  Holiday Cheer was evident.