Program for July 18, 2016:  Lora Adams and Hero Street USA!
Invocation:  Hilary Tanner
Club News and Happy News:  Mike Meadows guest of Hilary Tanner, Dennis Holdorf guest of Judi Holdorf, Jared Smith, new MHS Principal, guest of Mike McGrory and fellow visiting Rotarian Jan Touney from North Scott.  Judi is happy that the 4th of July Parade block captains were Rotary volunteers, Karen Diercks is pleased that Second Saturday is growing, Diana Gradert invited us to Ardon Creek to participate in the Muscatine County Arts Council Fundraiser, Mary Wildermuth asked Mike McGrory to introduce Jared Smith, and Hilary Tanner was happy that the Cub Scouts Day Camp was very successful.
Program: Mary Odell gave a summary of the past Rotary year with highlights being the Upscale but not Uptight Fundraiser, lots of donations to many projects including the Ponzetti Project, the Salvation Army, the Coat Project, high school scholarships and the India Water Project.  Judi Holdorf thanked Mary for a great year and gave her a past President's pin, a gift card and her honorary Paul Harris Award.  Mary introduced Judi who discussed our goals for the coming year. The year's theme is Rotary Serving Humanity.  Our goals are increasing information about our club, networking among our members, improving understanding of the scope of Rotary and serving our community.
New President Judi Holdorf asked that the slate of officers be elected including Judi as President, Todd Poci  as President elect, Kim Warren as Treasurer, Mary Wildermuth as Secretary, board members to include Erika Cox,Shane Orr, Rick Gosney, Bobbi Holliday and Jessica Wittman. Motion made by Keith Porter, seconded by Scott Ingstad with all members voting aye.
We then broke into small table groups and discussed several topics relating to the year's goals seeking member input.