Program for March 7, 2016: Mike McGrory, MHS Principal
Invocation: Bobbi Holliday
Rotary Update: We are looking for a new Treasurer for our club and also a new Director for the Board. If you are interested see a Board Member. Today is the final time to participate in the Ponzeti BallDrop for the Annual Conference. RYLA and Fundraising Committees will meet today after our regular meeting.  Sarah Lande was happy that the Chinese Symphony had been a great success!! Mary Odell is happy that 32 years ago today, she gave birth to her Leap Year Baby!!
Program: Tim Nelson introduced Ron Knopek with the Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge.  There are over 9000 employees that take care of 415 million acres, 18,300 of which are local and are cared for by 7 employees. The Refuge came into existence in 1958 as the Lock and Dam System was completed.  Ron encouraged us to read a book he had learned of at a conference last week,  Bringing Nature Home.  Ron talked about the impact of caterpillars on the Chickadee population and the number of species eaten by these birds.  Ron mentioned a list of native plants by zip code and encouraged us to plant these native plants in order to provide food for the birds and bugs!!  We can help the native plant situation by growing them, reading the book above, putting up nest boxes and being an advocate for butterfly gardens, as well as, planting trees.  One third of our food requires pollination which is about 80-90% of the plants we grow.  We can do much to help our environment.