Recap from the Sept. 11, 2023 Meeting.
Meeting Run by: President- Megan Francis
Invocation: A moment of silence in remembrance of the events on September 11, 2001
Welcome to our guests: District Governor Dennis and Heidi Drager (Speakers), Monica Koechle (ServiceMaster), Emily Shore (Geneva)
Welcome to our members participating in our meeting through Zoom: Carol Webb, Holly Peterson, Melanie Alexander, Dawn Sturms Dodds, and Michelle Kellman
New Member: First Reading for potential membership for Lisa Heckman from Real Estate Resource Associates.
Happy News/Announcements:  All Happy News funds go towards our scholarship awards.
Rich Dwyer: Ribbon Cutting Friday for Ames's new KENT teaching facility. Over 40 vendors donated to the facility, and KENT is proud to be the top donor for that project. Karen Cooney: Attended the Community Block Party on Friday with the Art Center. Served over 400 people. It was a great event. Sunday morning, Karen and her daughter attended a run in Clinton. One more dollar for her daughter and her recommitting to running. She was #1 in her age group this weekend. Barth Donald- $20. Barth is excited to participate in this year's Leadership Muscatine class. Friday night, 10u Muskie Girls Softball won their first tournament. Barthe enjoyed the 49ers win yesterday and looks forward to attending the game next week in LA. Marc Hines- Marc donated $100 from winnings at Riverside last week. $1 to celebrate wins by the 49ers and Hawkeyes, and $99 to recognize Direct Support Professional (DSP) Week. DSP week recognizes the work of the direct support workforce that is the heart of support for seniors and people with disabilities. Lindsey Phillips- Over 400 community members attended the Community Block Party Friday night. The HyVee Car Show, supporting Big Brother Big Sister and Special Olympics, is on Saturday from 9-noon in the Hy-Vee parking lot. Taylor Thorpe- Addington Place has activities planned throughout the week to celebrate National Assisted Living Week. Gretchen Nollman- Kudos to the board for meeting with the District Governor today. Megan Francis- Crossroads FestivAll is downtown on Saturday, September 23rd, from 1-6:30 pm. The event will have live music, carnival games, a silent auction, raffles, and promises to be fun for ALL.
Club News:  
  • Follow the Rotary Club of Muscatine’s Facebook page, @MuscatineRotaryClub.
  • ACH forms are available for easy payment of dues.
  • Reminder that the next Mobile Food Pantry distribution is Tuesday, October 3rd.
  • Rotary will have a food tent at the last Almost Friday Event this summer on September 28th.
District Governor- Dennis Drager and his wife Heidi
Dennis was raised on a family farm outside of Tipton, Iowa. After high school, he enlisted in the US Air Force. After four years of service, he went to Iowa State University, graduating from Veterinary School in 1985. He practiced in Illinois and Wisconsin for a few years before moving to Marshalltown.
Dennis joined Rotary in 2000. He has served his Marshalltown Rotary club on several committees. His passion in Rotary is for the Service clubs provide both locally and abroad. One of the Drager’s best Rotary experiences was hosting an international exchange student, Daniel, for a year.
Heidi is from Marshalltown. She joined Rotary in 2021 when Dennis was nominated as District Governor. She was a part of the team that started the Marshalltown evening Rotary extension. She worked many years in the animal industry, with five years as the executive director of the Animal Rescue League in Marshalltown. She now works as a charter representative for Allegiant Airlines, which helps the Drager's fulfill their love of travel.
Please follow our Rotary District 6000 Facebook page.
Dennis and Heidi have a few areas of focus and passion: Mental Health Wellness, Homelessness (Joppa is the organization close to their heart in Des Moines), Blood Donations, and Clothing donations. District 600 clubs are challenged to quantify the number of blood donations and pounds of clothing donations to report at the end of the year.
Ways to get involved in a Rotary
Join a Rotary Team: public image, literacy promotion, food insecurity, environmental protection, membership, district news, youth services, mental health and human trafficking, and many others. 
Donate to the Polio Plus Society by committing to an annual donation of at least $100.
District 6000 members are invited to learn about the Rotary Foundation during two upcoming socials. September 26th, 5:30-7, at ReUnion Brewery Iowa City, and October 17th, 5:30-7, at Brew Works in Bettendorf.
District 600 is working to send Wheelchairs to Ukraine. Each wheelchair cost $200. Wheelchairs can be shipped in containers of 280 wheelchairs.
Save the Date for the District Celebration in Pella on April 20, 2024
Upcoming Meetings- September 18th- 4H Students Fair Experience, September 25th – Friends of Musser Library.